Unleashing the power of 5G

Znipe's synchronised multi-POV technology and industry-leading stream quality made us a perfect fit for LG U+'s high bandwidth 5G network. LG U+'s customers have been using our platform to follow their favourite esports teams and tournaments wherever they are.
At the forefront of esports on-the-go

In 2019 the 5G network was already widespread in South Korea. A mobile network as strong as 5G allowed LG to explore options for mobile esports streaming. This is where Znipe came in. Making use of our multi-POV technology fit perfectly with the goal of making the most of 5G.

Goals for LG U+
  • A mobile experience for League of Legends esports, including multi-POVs, highlights and stats
  • Allow fans to track past, current and upcoming matches in one app
  • Utilise high mobile bandwidth for awesome stream quality
  • Ensure performance on all mobile devices, even with multiple streams running simultaneously
Bring the tournament with you

Building upon Znipe's existing offering, our video player was integrated into the LG U+ mobile app with full functionality of watching multiple POVs at once. Through a calendar in the app, users were able to track the scores and VODs of past games, as well as being able to see future matchups. Over the product's lifespan, significant improvements to performance were made to allow effective use on mobile devices.


Shared reponsibilities
  • Content
  • Audience
  • Mobile app
  • In-app viewing experience
  • End-to-end platform
  • Broadcast team


Services leveraged from Znipe

Synced streams

All player POVs, broadcast, and map stream, streamed to mobile devices over 5G.

Real-time stats

Keeping track across a 40-minute League game is easier with our stats.


Keeping track of all the action becomes extra useful in messy teamfights.

Get started

Ready to elevate your esports presence?

There is never a one size fits all, we are open to discussing the best ways of working together.

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